Ski Resort Villars - Gryon - Les Diablerets - Glacier 3000 Lake Leman: Position on map

Webcam Bretaye in Villars-Gryon, 1,813 m

Located at 1,829 meters above sea level, the webcam shows the slopes and ski lifts around Bretaye in Villars.
Elevation:  1,813 m

Today's webcam images (Local Time: 11:42)

Archived image Webcam Bretaye in Villars-Gryon 05:00 05:00
Archived image Webcam Bretaye in Villars-Gryon 06:00 06:00
Archived image Webcam Bretaye in Villars-Gryon 07:00 07:00
Archived image Webcam Bretaye in Villars-Gryon 09:00 09:00