Ski Resort Chapelco in Neuquén: Position on map

Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet, 1,600 m

Located at an elevation of 1600m the webcam shows the chairlift 63 and the magic carpet.
Elevation:  1,600 m

Today's webcam images (Local Time: 16:01)

Archived image Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet 23:00 23:00
Archived image Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet 00:00 00:00
Archived image Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet 01:00 01:00
Archived image Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet 03:00 03:00
Archived image Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet 05:00 05:00
Archived image Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet 07:00 07:00
Archived image Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet 09:00 09:00
Archived image Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet 11:00 11:00
Archived image Webcam Silla Doble 63 and Magic Carpet 13:00 13:00