Ski Resort Sellinghausen in the Sauerland: Position on map

Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope, 630 m

The webcam shows live pictures from the winter sport area Schmallenberger Höhenlifte.
Elevation:  630 m

Today's webcam images (Local Time: 23:25)

Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 23:00 23:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 01:00 01:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 03:00 03:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 05:00 05:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 06:00 06:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 07:00 07:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 09:00 09:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 11:00 11:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 13:00 13:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 15:00 15:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 17:00 17:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 19:00 19:00
Archived image Webcam Schmallenberg ski lift and slope 21:00 21:00