Ski Resort Cimone in Modena: Position on map

Webcams Cimone

36 minutes ago
Elevation: 1,438 m
The webcam is located at the farmhouse La Cervarola near Sestola and is looking south towards the ski area Cimone.
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 1,401 m
The chair lift Cimoncino is located at the eastern slopes of Mt Cimone. It leads to the medium and advanced slopes Delle Marmotte, Delle Aquile...
36 minutes ago
Elevation: 1,502 m
Check out the advanced run Stadio Slalom R. Pelloni and the chair lift Lamaccione at Mt Cimone. You can also spot the chair lift Del Cimone.
36 minutes ago
Elevation: 1,515 m
Check out the chair lift and the magic carpet at Lago della Ninfa, which is one of the six resorts at the ski area Cimone.
36 minutes ago
Elevation: 1,551 m
Have a look at the chair lift Colombaccio and the medium slope Sud Beccadella at Passo del Lupo in the ski area Cimone.
36 minutes ago
Elevation: 1,541 m
Enjoy the view from Passo del Lupo towards Mt Cimone. You can see the lower area of the easy slope Campo scuola Betulla as well as the magic...
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 1,306 m
The webcam shows the chair lift Ariete at Le Polle in the Italian ski area Cimone.