Cross-Country Skiing Area Rugiswalde Elbe Sandstone Mountains: Position on map

Webcams Rugiswalde

11 minutes ago
Elevation: 424 m
The webcam looks from the Götzinger Höhe to Neustadt in Saxony. This town in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains also includes the district of...
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 422 m
Webcam shows the surroundnings of Sebnitz in Saxony/ Germany.
23 minutes ago
Elevation: 416 m
Webcam shows the platter lift of the Ski Resort Sebnitz at Buchberg in Saxony/ Germany close to the czech boarder.
31 minutes ago
Elevation: 350 m
Webcam shows live impressions of the Ski Resort Rugiswalde in Saxony, Germany.