Ski Resort Lungern in Obwalden: Position on map

Today's weather at Lungern • 9 Days Forecast

Lungern-Schönbüel 2000

Weather forecast for today: partly rain
© GeoSphere Austria
partly rain
min 1 °C
max 6 °C
Today, 16 May 2024:  Variable with showers in the beginning. The showers will turn into persistent rain in the afternoon.

Next Hours

  • Today
    16 May
    Variable with showers in the beginning. The showers will turn into persistent rain in the afternoon.
    4 h
    0 cm
    22 km/h
    30 %
  • Tomorrow
    17 May
    Light snowfall at daybreak, then fairly sunny during the day.
    5.5 h
    0 cm
    11 km/h
    25 %
  • Sat
    18 May
    Fairly sunny with scattered clouds. Showers will be possible towards evening.
    7.5 h
    0 cm
    14 km/h
    25 %
  • Sun
    19 May
    Dry and fair in the early morning, then variable with frequent showers.
    9 h
    0 cm
    14 km/h
    35 %
  • Mon
    20 May
    Fairly sunny with scattered clouds. Showers will be possible towards evening.
    7.5 h
    0 cm
    11 km/h
    35 %
  • Tue
    21 May
    Dry in the beginning, then rain through most of the day.
    0 h
    0 cm
    11 km/h
    15 %
  • Wed
    22 May
    Persistent rain. Occasionally also rain mixed with snow in the afternoon.
    0 h
    3 cm
    14 km/h
    20 %
  • Thu
    23 May
    A dull day with rain, and maybe snowfall at first. A chance of clear spells towards evening.
    2.5 h
    0 cm
    14 km/h
    20 %
  • Fri
    24 May
    Dry and partly sunny throughout the day, with cloudy periods from time to time.
    3.5 h
    0 cm
    14 km/h
    25 %
  • Morning

    partly rain
    partly rain
    Rain: l/m2
    Fresh snow: cm
    Wind direction: South
    Wind speed: 22 km/h
    Storm risk: 20 %
    Fog risk: 50 %
    Rain risk: 0 %
  • Noon

    partly rain
    partly rain
    Rain: l/m2
    Fresh snow: cm
    Wind direction: South
    Wind speed: 11 km/h
    Storm risk: 30 %
    Fog risk: 35 %
    Rain risk: 2 %
  • Evening

    Rain: l/m2
    Fresh snow: cm
    Wind direction: South-East
    Wind speed: km/h
    Storm risk: 25 %
    Fog risk: 40 %
    Rain risk: 4 %

Weather Stations nearby
