Ski Resort Vallnord - Pal Arinsal in Andorra: Position on map

Webcam Vallnord – Pal Arinsal (Andorra): Coll de la Botella (2.082 m), 6722 ft

This webcam is located at the base station of the Arinsal Pal Railway in the Vallnord-Pal Arinsal ski complex in Andorra. One can spot the terrace of the restaurant Coll de la Botella in sector Pal , which attracts visitors with grilled specialties. In addition, the webcam opens the view of the blue-marked slope Coll de la Botella and the valley station of the same chairlift. You can also see the red-marked track Estadi Joan Carchat and the base station of the chairlift Setúria.
Elevation:  2,049 m